I have been getting this error frequently lately while doing upgrades from ESXi 6.5 and 6.7 to 7.x regardless of the hardware vendor.
If you add an upgrade baseline to the cluster or host, and you try to remediate the host, the task fails with a dependency error. When taking a closer look into the tasks details, you were getting told that the task has failed because of a failed dependency, but not which VIB it caused.
You can find the name if the causing VIB on the update manager tab of the host that you tried to update. The status of the baseline is “incompatible”, and not “non-compliant”.
To resolve this issue you have to remove the causing VIB. This is no big deal and can be done with esxcli. Enable SSH and open an SSH connection to the host. Then remove the VIB.
You need to reboot the host after the removal of the VIB. Then you can proceed with the update. The status of the upgrade baseline should be now “not-compliant”. Just start the upgrade again and it will complete properly provided there are no other issues.
Good luck!
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