Friday, July 27, 2012

Use BGInfo with Server 2008 R2

This is a great program to use if you work with a lot of different servers and you need to keep track of what you are connected to.  It also gives the ability to see the specifics of the box without the need to run all of that information down.

Here's the process:

1.  Create a text file named AutoRunBGInfo.reg and place it on your desktop.
2.  Enter the text in the file as follows - 


"BGInfo"="\"C:\\BGInfo\\Bginfo.exe\" \"C:\\BGInfo\\config.bgi\" /timer:0 /silent"

3.  Now place a folder on C:\ named BGInfo.  Inside there place the BGinfo.exe file and your config.bgi file.  The config.bgi file is created when you customize the information you want on your server's desktop.  Below I have a list of the ones I use and in the same order.

4.  Start BGInfo once manually, accept the programs question, and then load the config.bgi file to set the wallpaper.  

5.  That's all.

Now that you've done this process everytime you login to the server you will get a fresh update of the statistics.  Having things such as free drive space at a glance is great when doing network maintenance tasks.

My BGInfo config: (All text in white except for the colors below.  Change yours to match the wallpaper's contrast so you can see it easily)

User and Computer Info

Host Name:   
OS Version:   
OS Bits:    bit
Hardware Bits:    bit
Service Pack:   
IE Version:   
Boot Time:   

Free Space:   
Network Settings

IP Address:   
Subnet Mask:   
Default Gateway:   
DNS Server:   
MAC Address:   
Network Speed:   
Machine Domain:   

Virtual (or Physical)

Model:    * or * will show here.

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