This one has been around for some time but now due to the data drive on my Exchange server getting closer and closer to full, I had to find a fix and here it is. So simple and yet so hard to find on the web.
Checking the D: drive on the Exchange server showed the disk had a size of 150.254450347GB. This disk had been restored from Datto at some point in the past and since that date this was the size showing.
Whenever attempting to expand the drive vCenter thew this error: Invalid operation for device '0'.
I tried different sizes from adding just a few gigs to going all the way up to 200GB but getting the same error.
Ready for the fix? You won't believe how easy it was.
1. Log into vCenter using the flex (Flash) client instead of the HTML 5 client.
2. Resize your disk successfully.
THAT'S IT!! Can you believe it? After all of these articles I read about changing the parameters on the VMX file, cloning the server, etc. etc. it turned out to be the behavior of the HTML 5 client. Let's hope VMware fixes this in the next versions of vCenter before they fully remove the Flash functionality.
Good luck!