Thursday, July 28, 2011

How to Move Public Folders to Exchange 2010

Move public folder data to Exchange 2010

Public folders are an optional feature in Exchange 2010. If all client computers in your organization are running Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 or later, then public folders are an optional feature. However, if Outlook 2003 clients are in use, then public folders are required. In addition, if you're currently using public folders for collecting, organizing, or sharing documents and other information and you want to continue doing so, you can use public folder replication to move your public folder data to Exchange 2010.

How do I do this?
You can use the Exchange Management Console to perform this task.
  1. In the Console tree, click Toolbox.
  2. In the Result pane, double-click Public Folder Management Console. The Public Folder Management Console appears.
  3. In the public folder tree, click or expand Default Public Folders, and then select the parent public folder of the public folder that you want to move to Exchange 2010. Note: To configure replication for the offline address book (OAB) or for Schedule+ free/ busy information, expand System Public Folders, and then click OFFLINE ADDRESS BOOK or SCHEDULE+ FREE BUSY.
  4. In the Result pane, right-click the public folder you want to replicate to Exchange 2010 and select Properties.
  5. On the Replication tab, click Add to select an Exchange 2010 public folder database and then click OK.
  6. By default, Exchange uses the replication schedule configured for the public folder database. To create a custom replication schedule for the public folder, clear the Use public folder database replication schedule check box and select one of the settings in the list.
  7. To create a customized schedule, click Customize.
  8. To set the schedule, click the time grid in the Schedule dialog box. Public folder replication will run during the time slots that you specify.
  9. Click OK to close the Schedule dialog box.
  10. To specify the age limit for items in this public folder, type the number of days in the Local replica age limit (days) box. Items that have reached the age limit are deleted.
Note: Age limits should be used for public folders only. They should not be used for System Folders, such as OFFLINE ADDRESS BOOK or SCHEDULE+ FREE BUSY.
  1. Click OK to close the Properties dialog and to save your changes.
  2. Repeat Steps 4-11 for each public folder you want to move to Exchange 2010.
How do I know this worked?

You can use the Get-PublicFolder cmdlet in the Exchange Management Shell to verify replicas on the Exchange 2010 public folder database. For example, to determine the replicas for all public folders in the public folder tree, run the following command: Get-PublicFolder -Recurse | Format-List Name,Replicas To determine the replicas for all system folders, run the following command: Get-PublicFolder \NON_IPM_SUBTREE | Format-List Name,Replicas

Friday, April 29, 2011

Removing AD DC Metadata Script

This is a very useful script to automatically remove the metadata from Active Directory upon the loss of a domain controller that cannot be recovered or you will not be replacing and cannot gracefully demote. Just copy the text below and create your own script.

**I didn't write this script but since it is very useful I wanted to post it as another place to find it**

REM ==========================================================
REM GUI Metadata Cleanup Utility
REM Written By Clay Perrine
REM Version 2.5
REM ==========================================================
REM This tool is furnished "AS IS". NO warranty is expressed or Implied.

on error resume next
dim objRoot,oDC,sPath,outval,oDCSelect,objConfiguration,objContainer,errval,ODCPath,ckdcPath,myObj,comparename

rem =======This gets the name of the computer that the script is run on ======

Set sh = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
computerName = sh.RegRead(key & "\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ComputerName\ComputerName\ComputerName")

rem === Get the default naming context of the domain====

set objRoot=GetObject("LDAP://RootDSE")
sPath = "LDAP://OU=Domain Controllers," & objRoot.Get("defaultNamingContext")

rem === Get the list of domain controllers====

Set objConfiguration = GetObject(sPath)
For Each objContainer in objConfiguration
outval = outval & vbtab & objContainer.Name & VBCRLF
outval = Replace(outval, "CN=", "")

rem ==Retrieve the name of the broken DC from the user and verify it's not this DC.===

oDCSelect= InputBox (outval," Enter the computer name to be removed","")
comparename = UCase(oDCSelect)

if comparename = computerName then
msgbox "The Domain Controller you entered is the machine that is running this script." & vbcrlf & _
"You cannot clean up the metadata for the machine that is running the script!",,"Metadata Cleanup Utility Error."
End If

sPath = "LDAP://OU=Domain Controllers," & objRoot.Get("defaultNamingContext")
Set objConfiguration = GetObject(sPath)

For Each objContainer in objConfiguration
ckdcPath = "LDAP://" & "CN=" & oDCSelect & ",OU=Domain Controllers," & objRoot.Get("defaultNamingContext")
set myObj=GetObject(ckdcPath)
If err.number <>0 Then
errval= 1
End If

If errval = 1 then
msgbox "The Domain Controller you entered was not found in the Active Directory",,"Metadata Cleanup Utility Error."
End If

abort = msgbox ("You are about to remove all metadata for the server " & oDCSelect & "! Are you sure?",4404,"WARNING!!")
if abort <> 6 then
msgbox "Metadata Cleanup Aborted.",,"Metadata Cleanup Utility Error."
end if

oDCSelect = "CN=" & oDCSelect
ODCPath ="LDAP://" & oDCselect & ",OU=Domain Controllers," & objRoot.Get("defaultNamingContext")
sSitelist = "LDAP://CN=Sites,CN=Configuration," & objRoot.Get("defaultNamingContext")
Set objConfiguration = GetObject(sSitelist)
For Each objContainer in objConfiguration
sitePath = "LDAP://" & oDCSelect & ",CN=Servers," & objContainer.Name & ",CN=Sites,CN=Configuration," & _
set myObj=GetObject(sitePath)
If err.number = 0 Then
siteval = sitePath
End If

sFRSSysvolList = "LDAP://CN=Domain System Volume (SYSVOL share),CN=File Replication Service,CN=System," & _
Set objConfiguration = GetObject(sFRSSysvolList)

For Each objContainer in objConfiguration
SYSVOLPath = "LDAP://" & oDCSelect & ",CN=Domain System Volume (SYSVOL share),CN=File Replication Service,CN=System," & _
set myObj=GetObject(SYSVOLPath)
If err.number = 0 Then
End If

SiteList = Replace(sSitelist, "LDAP://", "")
VarSitelist = "LDAP://CN=Sites,CN=Configuration," & objRoot.Get("defaultNamingContext")
Set SiteConfiguration = GetObject(VarSitelist)

For Each SiteContainer in SiteConfiguration
Sitevar = SiteContainer.Name
VarPath ="LDAP://OU=Domain Controllers," & objRoot.Get("defaultNamingContext")
Set DCConfiguration = GetObject(VarPath)
For Each DomContainer in DCConfiguration
DCVar = DomContainer.Name
strFromServer = ""
NTDSPATH = DCVar & ",CN=Servers," & SiteVar & "," & SiteList
GuidPath = "LDAP://CN=NTDS Settings,"& NTDSPATH
Set objCheck = GetObject(NTDSPATH)
For Each CheckContainer in objCheck
rem ====check for valid site paths =======================
ldapntdspath = "LDAP://" & NTDSPATH
set exists=GetObject(ldapntdspath)
If err.number = 0 Then
Set oGuidGet = GetObject(GuidPath)
For Each objContainer in oGuidGet
oGuid = objContainer.Name
oGuidPath = "LDAP://" & oGuid & ",CN=NTDS Settings," & NTDSPATH
Set objSitelink = GetObject(oGuidPath)
strFromServer = objSiteLink.Get("fromServer")
ispresent = Instr(1,strFromServer,oDCSelect,1)

if ispresent <> 0 then
Set objReplLinkVal = GetObject(oGuidPath)
end if

sitedelval = "CN=" & comparename & ",CN=Servers," & SiteVar & "," & SiteList
if sitedelval = ntdspath then
Set objguidpath = GetObject(guidpath)
Set objntdspath = GetObject(ldapntdspath)
end if
End If
Set AccountObject = GetObject(ckdcPath)
temp=Accountobject.Get ("userAccountControl")
AccountObject.Put "userAccountControl", "4096"
Set objFRSSysvol = GetObject(SYSVOLval)
Set objComputer = GetObject(ckdcPath)
Set objConfig = GetObject(siteval)
oDCSelect = Replace(oDCSelect, "CN=", "")
msgval = "Metadata Cleanup Completed for " & oDCSelect
msgbox msgval,,"Notice."